Welcome to Apλotita

The Height of Cultivation Runs to Simplicity.

In today’s fast paced modern society people are overwhelmed with information and training programs to stay healthy and in shape.

Aren’t you tired of piecing together random workout routines & meal plans to get in shape?

We are here to remove the guesswork and show you how to achieve your goals by doing less.

Increase your:


Physique (Muscle Mass, 10 Attributes, all Organ/Tissue Systems)

Well Being





With Apλotita

Decrease your:

Health Risks

Fat %

Medical Expenses




Like many people in todays modern society, Konstantine didn’t have a healthy start. With the familiar lifestyle of poor dieting, low self-esteem, & lack of exercise (among others), he was just the average person that had the “I’ll start tomorrow” mentality.

It wasn’t until Konstantine made the choice to change, and move forward, did he see the transformation go into full effect. Through many trials, errors, bumps and falls Konstantine never gave up and kept progressing forward, finally reaching a simple way to sustain the progress he proudly achieved.

Certified under Dimitri Therios in Somareti - Artist of life Program® & Under Dr. Darren Weissman in The Lifeline Technique®, Konstantine brings his expression of what was taught to him to help bring out the better version of yourself in a simple way.


Apλotita is greek for Simplicity.

This is the mentality that helped Konstantine move forward from a lifestyle of

  • Stress

  • Anxiety

  • Poor Diet

  • Obesity

  • 0 Weight Training

  • Health Risks

…to a lifestyle of

  • Positivity

  • Calmness

  • Daily Exercise

  • Healthy Weight Stability

  • Nutritional Meal Plan

Following the same path Konstantine took, so can you to bring out the better version of yourself.


Who is Apλotita for?

At Apλotita we reserve our time slots for those that are ready, willing, and able to change both internally and externally; as our thoughts, actions, and behaviors affect our health and system.

Clients must be willing to commit and understand simple does NOT mean easy; this takes time and dedication. This isn’t accomplished overnight.

Connect with Konstantine

Book a Free 15 minute consultation to connect with Konstantine.

Connect and have any questions answered, See if this program is for you as this takes commitment.

What we offer:

2x/Week Private Full Training

3x/Week Private Full Training

Lifeline Package (5 Private Sessions)

In-person Group Chi-Kung Classes

Online Group Chi-Kung Classes

Our Goal at Apλotita is Simple.

Why get training in 1 area, when you can get training in all areas?


By practicing The Lifeline Technique®, Konstantine will guide and support you as we see what is subconsciously holding us back in any of the 6 pillars of our lives.

This technique helps us go from reactive patterns to proactive patterns; process our limiting beliefs; change negative loops into positive ones.

The Lifeline Technique® will help awaken the Artist of your life hidden within you.


A Healthy Mind fuels a Healthy Body.


Simple nourishment and training lowers the chances of inconsistency.

Why cover one area, when we can cover all. During training we will be covering multiple systems (Respiratory, Energetic, Lymphatic, Nervous, Muscular) and 10 attributes all in a single 45 minute session.

Dieting does NOT mean starving, we fuel our body with the right nutritions not only to strengthen our immune system, but give great aid in our physical training.


A Healthy Body enshrines a Healthy Spirit.


What we absorb matters wether it’s visually, auditorily, or energetically. We keep things simple by taking this information and applying it to our daily life.

Energy breathing is done to build and strengthen our internal energy while Meditation is a moment to relax our brain.

Learn, with the help from our spiritual teachers throughout time, to strengthen your spiritual attributes.

Strengthening the spirit helps shape the reality we want to live in.


A Healthy Spirit guides a Healthy Mind.

We understand change isn’t easy in this stressful world. By keeping it simple, we heighten our chances of consistency to our change for the better;

as this is our ultimate goal….

Not only for the client to be consistent with the progress, but to also sustain all the change for the better without the dependency of a trainer again!

It’s that Simple.

At Apλotita we pride in the service we provide and nothing is added or removed. This training package is meant to cover all aspects of our true self (physical, neurological, mental, spiritual) and will not be picked apart for personal preferences. To assure quality service for all clients, a limited amount of clients will be taken.

Know that your training isn’t limited to your scheduled time. Any assistance or questions needing answered is a text away.

Training is not recommended for anyone under the age of 13.

The LifeLine Technique® has been featured on :